Longnor Village
Welcome to Longnor in the Staffordshire Moorlands
An authentic rural escape.
Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.
Longnor Action Group serving the community
Minutes of Meeting Monday 6th June 2016 at John Storer Community Room, Longnor Fire Station
Present: C Chambers, D Hanna, H. Kidd, Sue Price, Geoff Price.
Apologies: J. Breeze, P. Breeze, B. Darlington, J. Darlington
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record.
1. Matters Arising None.
2. Play Ground Regeneration
a) HK will send the equipment list to other suppliers as Kompan had not replied to requests for information.
3. Joint meeting with Parish Council/school governors
a) DH to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to give feedback/ideas discussed with School governors and Action Group on development of facilities in the village.
4. Longnor Village web site
a) New web site complete and being maintained.
5. Village Leaflet
a) DH will deliver additional supplies to HK.
6. Village Heritage and Interpretation
a) Village walk – ongoing.
7. Village Environment
a) Next Village tidy up day on Saturday 1/10/2016 11.00 to 12.00. CC to provide posters.
b) CC to contact SMDC to ask if no litter signs could be out up in the village and possibly a temporary surveillance camera at the traffic lights with ANPR.
c) Old Graveyard: HK to arrange wild flower planting with Penny Anderson and weed spraying. Next clearing session Monday 20/6 6.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m.
8. Wakes Week Activities
a) Planning for this year: next meeting on 4/07/2016 at the fire station starting at 19.00. CC to provide posters.
b) DH to ask Parish Council if Village square could be used for an event on the Saturday evening of Wakes Week.
9. Any other business
a) JB to arrange a Rural Watch meeting with NFU and Police to discuss home and farm security.
b) A meeting will also be held in the village to introduce the South West Peak project – protecting the local environment.
c) AGM – no change to group officers. New secretary will be needed to by the end of the year. Accounts to be presented at the next meeting.
The Next Meeting will take place on Monday 3rd October 2016 at the John Storer Community Room, Longnor Fire Station starting at 19.00.
Minutes of Meeting Monday 16th November 2015 at Rose Cottage, Longnor
Present: J. Breeze, P. Breeze, C. Chambers, B. Darlington, J. Darlington, D. Hanna, R. Kebble, H. Kidd, Sue and Geoff Price
Apologies: None.
The Chairman welcomed Sue and Geoff Price to the group.
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record.
1. Matters Arising None.
2. Play Ground Regeneration
a) HK and CC had had a meeting with Kompan to get a price for equipment
to replace the old items. The aim was to provide a facility for older
children and adults.
b) CC and HK are looking at grant applications to provide the funds.
3. Joint meeting with Parish Council/school governors
a) DH had attended a meeting of the school governors. He gave a brief
description of the items covered – community use of the school,
creating a room for use by visiting service providers
(Chiropodist, Hairdresser etc.)
b) The village will be asked for their views and whether
such a facility would be welcomed. CC to design leaflets,
posters and put an item in the Benefice.
c) DH to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to discuss ideas they may have.
4. Longnor Village web site
a) Village events are not being put forward for publishing on the web site. CC to ask the benefice compiler for information.
5. Village Leaflet
a) Nothing to report.
6. Village Heritage and Interpretation
a) Village walk – CC to liaise with GP to obtain brief descriptions of local points of interest.
7. Village Environment
a) Village tidy up day on Saturday 17/10/2015 was well attended.
b) Old Graveyard: Good progress still being made. Some of the
old trees are in need of maintenance. As the church is in the
village conservation area, permission is required from the Peak
Park to carry out the work needed. DH to arrange for a tree
surgeon and ensure that the application is sent in.
c) Honesty box – No news.
8. Wakes Week Activities
a) Planning for next year will commence after Christmas.
9. Any other business
a) New treasurer – the current treasurer, Richard Keble had
resigned due to personal circumstances. The Chairman thanked
Richard for his contribution to the group. Geoff Price agreed
to take on the role. CC and DH will meet with GP to complete
the signature forms for the bank.
b) A copy of the original constitution was to be emailed to all members.
The Next Meeting and AGM will take place on Monday 6th June 2016 at the John Storer Community Room, Longnor Fire Station starting at 7 p.m.
21sth March 2016
Wakes week planning gets under way. At Longnor Fire Station 7:00 pm -
4th March 2016
Trial of new web site launched
About Longnor Action Group
![Right Image](Images/Longnor.jpg)
It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's
important. You have to do the right thing. It may not
be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll
be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the
right thing. You may never know what results come from
your action. But if you do nothing, there will be
no result.
Mahatma Gandhi
Longnor Action Group exists to get things done in Longnor for the benefit of the community.
If you have any input that you would like to express to the Action Group then please come to a meeting, all are welcome, or use the contact form CONTACT .